<ѻý class="page-description">News, opinions and meeting coverage in gastroenterology.ѻý>Latest in Gastroenterology
Risk decreased by 17% with increasing calcium intake, rose with alcohol, red and processed meat
News and commentary from the world of gastroenterology and hepatology
New report emphasizes greater public awareness, education
Structural elements of private equity ownership linked to higher mortality, complication rates
New report emphasizes greater public awareness, education
Structural elements of private equity ownership linked to higher mortality, complication rates
Gastroenterology Case Studies
Discordant test results complicate diagnosis of suspected C. difficile
Moral of the story: don't walk barefoot in the fields
Clinicians found CT scan to be best diagnostic tool
More in Gastroenterology
Fatigue seems to have the biggest negative impact on patients' quality of life, experts say
Conducting pre-op and post-op visits via telemedicine saved patients thousands of driving miles
Previous findings of more cardiac events in RA patients did not translate to IBD patients
Patients who used the service found it faster, easier, and more convenient than an outside lab
Higher rates of endoscopic remission and response with integrin receptor antagonist at 1 year
Researchers call for evidence-based guidance, but expert advocates for surgeon's choice