Myocardial Infarction
News, opinions and meeting coverage in cardiology.
<ѻý>CardioBuzz: Is Marijuana Bad for Your Heart?ѻý>
Whether marijuana actually causes cardiovascular problems remains unclear, a situation that was not necessarily helped by a study based on 35 reports of cannabis-related complications in France, a country with about 1.2 million recreational users.
Apr 24, 2014
<ѻý>Cardiologist Who Revealed Echo Errors Out of a Jobѻý>
MILWAUKEE -- A cardiologist whose research at a national medical meeting revealed that other doctors at her hospital were misreading a substantial number of diagnostic echocardiograms has been fired by that hospital, the Journal Sentinel and ѻý have learned.
Jan 14, 2011
<ѻý>Cardiac Arrest Survivors Can Expect Good Long-term Quality of Lifeѻý>
MARBURG, Germany -- Resuscitated cardiac arrest patients treated in an ICU who leave the hospital without severe neurological disabilities may expect a reasonable quality of life over the next five years, a study found.
Jul 17, 2008